Janvier 2005 - NIL new site is launched !!!

April 2004 - PomPoPomPomPomPomPoPom...

Release of our DVD "Gouveia Art Rock Festival...

Mars 2004 - PomPoPomPomPomPomPoPom...

The drums sessions are over...

February 2004 - PomPoPomPomPomPomPoPom...

While "Quarante Jours sur le Sinaï" is elected "Best 2003 album" in Portugal, you can follow the recording of our fourth album there : Real time making of ...

December 2003 - Eyes wide open...

Some videos from the Gouveia Art Rock Festival (Portugal) shooted by Robert Kubririck. There, you'll have the opportunity to listen to our new songs... if you're really addicted to Nil's sound and Roselyne's beautiful eyes you can check here for a few more videos !!! (Dérégénération#1, Dérégénération#2, Dérives).
If you don't know what to do with your life, you can always check our little homemade holiday trip video named :
How to ruin a location bus in less than 2000 Kms...
(All the movies have to be viewed with Quicktime)
The recording of the fourth album has started !!!
Also some more reviews written by talented reviewers (they like what we do, they must be talented !!!!)

August 2003 - Looking for someone...

Here, some beautiful photos taken by our friends Stéphane Diaz, Miguel Pires, Luís Loureiro during concerts at the Brise Glace (France) and at the Gouveia Art Rock Festival (Portugal), as well as some cool videos by Richard Taillet.
Little facelift, not much really, I don't even know why I bother writing it down...

May 2003 - Interview

April 2003 - More choom' !

Chronicles in more than 426 countries.

Samples of our other bands (Baba Yaga, Brasse Taferaï and Thork).
New stuff in the livre d'or and new photos here.

February 2003 - Release of the album Quarante jours sur le Sinaï

To order the album... click here !
Samples: meet you at discography
More informations about the release of our last albumImprovement in the site navigation
The Smith agent is back in this pages... after his success with his video: "How to groove with your teeth" meet him almost everywhere and especially in "The fellowship of the two return of the king"

December 2002 - Roselyne Berthet, who was a guest on Quarante jours sur le Sinaï, has now her name written with ours wherever BAND is written. In other words she now belongs to NIL's family.

September 8, 2001 - New site, including:

A facelift of the old one.
A mirror site in english.
Some info and photos of the coming album Quarante jours sur le Sinaï

June 2000 - Creation of NIL's web site in french, including:

History of the band.
MP3 samples of the two first albums.
Infos about the writing and the recording of the albums